Friday, June 21, 2019

Music For the Second Sunday after Pentecost: June 23, 2019

Opening Voluntary Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy (Arise)     
arranged by Larry Schackley
This classic American tune is expressed through a classic American musical idiom – jazz piano. The hymn is also known as “I Will Arise and Go to Jesus.” The first stanza is:
          Come, ye sinners, poor and needy. weak and wounded, sick and sore;
          Jesus, ready, stands to stand to save you, full of pity, love, and power.
Today we hear the story of the Gesarene demoniac who finds deliverance when he meets Jesus. This hymn seemed like the perfect fit and an apt reminder that Jesus still stands ready to save us.

Gathering Hymn God, Whose Almighty Word (Italian Hymn)
Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW) 673
The composer of this tune was an Italian, Felice de Giardini (1716-1796). He is best remembered as a violinist, but he also studied singing and the clavier – a forerunner of the modern piano. His musical compositions include operas and string quartets – something he did alongside his career as a concert violinist in London.

Hymn of the Day Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness (Nettleton)
ELW 843
The tune (published in 1813) may be old, but the text is a modern one from 1986. Rusty Edwards, author of the text, is a Lutheran pastor who wrote this hymn while doing a Bible study on Jesus’ life and ministry. You can read more about Rev. Edwards here:

Communion Hymns
Borning Cry (Waterlife)
ELW 732
We Are Baptized in Christ Jesus (Ouimette)
ELW 451

John Ylvisaker is one of the most celebrated hymnwriters of recent times. He wrote the texts and the tunes of both of our communion hymns today. Ylvisaker died in 2017. Learn more about his life, and read his obituary, here:

Sending Hymn Give to Our God Immortal Praise (Duke Street)
ELW 848

Closing Voluntary Trumpet Dialogue Processional on “Hymn to Joy”
setting, May Schwarz
This happy trumpet tune, composed for a wedding processional, is filled with images of nature - particularly appropriate as we move into summer.
May Schwarz is Professor of Church Music at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio.

1 comment:

Ray Booth said...

I am planning on attending tomorrow and looking forward to being there.