Friday, July 15, 2011

Interview with a Choir Member: Carl Moser

Carl Moser moved to Florida from Texas in 1979 when he came to do an internship at the Regency House, a retirement community. It was there that he met Bill Daugherty who drove the St. Mark’s van to Regency House to pick up Mrs. Krueger and Mrs. Schicker. Bill discovered that Carl was a Lutheran and invited him to attend worship at St. Mark’s. Carl accepted the offer and began singing in the choir almost immediately! When I asked Carl if I could interview him for a Messenger article, he consented immediately.

Why do you sing in the choir?I love to sing in a group and do beautiful anthems that lead a worship service.

Do you have a favorite choir memory?I enjoyed the choir retreats that we used to have. They were led by Jim Rindelaub and were held at the Marywood Retreat Center – a great way to start the church year after a summer break. Morning worship on the dock (over the St. John’s River) was very special.

How are you involved at St. Mark’s besides singing in the choir and ringing handbells?I have served on Council as well as on the Nourish and Celebrate teams. I’ve also served on a Call Committee. I’ve also been active with Family Promise and have taught Sunday school and confirmation classes.

What would you say to someone who was considering joining the choir?We’re a fun group. If you have a love of music, this is a great place to learn more and lead worship for the congregation.

Thank you, Carl, for your dedication to St. Mark’s and its music ministry!

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