Sunrise in Wisconsin - photo by Laura Olson |
For centuries Christians have gathered
on Sunday mornings for worship, but they have also gathered during the week and
at various times during the day for daily prayer. The ages old pattern of praying at certain
times of the day continues in monasteries and other religious institutions
throughout the world. Why should St.
Mark’s be any different?
Monks Praying Vespers - Wikipedia |
St. Mark’s now offers two opportunities
for Daily Prayer at the Church: Evening Prayer on Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. and
Morning Prayer on Fridays at 11:15 a.m.
The services are brief (30 – 45 minutes) and are based on the services
of daily prayer in Evangelical Lutheran
Worship. They include readings, canticles, hymns, and prayers. There is no
sermon or teaching. The words from
scripture and liturgy speak for themselves.
Looking for a quiet place during the
week? These services include silence after readings, songs, and prayers. Prayer can’t be a dialog if we do all the
Readings are taken from the daily
lectionary in ELW. This lectionary is
unique in that it is tied to the Sunday lectionary. The readings for Monday – Wednesday comment
and reflect on the readings from the previous Sunday. Readings for Thursday – Saturday prepare us
for the coming Sunday’s readings. This
lectionary is an excellent resource for your own private devotions.
Saint Mark’s Cantor, Tony Cruz, leads
the services. The services are not held
in his absence. If in doubt, check with
the church office or contact Tony.
Would you like to be a reader and/or
assist in leading the prayers? Please
let Tony know.
Come join us as we pray for the world,
our community, ourselves, and the church.
The Moon of Florida - photo by Andre Cruz |