When I was growing up, it would never have occurred to me to “give something up” for Lent. That was something the Catholic kids did and we Protestants (including Lutherans) were suspicious of anything “Catholic.” That said, in my adult years, I actually found this deeply traditional practice attractive. In more recent years, I’ve been more likely to add something to my personal Lenten observance, rather than give something up.
This is an invitation for you to add something very specific to your Lenten discipline – singing in the Matins Choir or the Festival Choir from Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday. Some people have a hard time making a long term commitment, but Lent is only forty days (not including Sundays).
As a member of the choir, you will be more involved with the texts (written and musical) that we use in worship. You’ll become part of a small group within the St. Mark’s community. You’ll also have to give something up because singing in a choir requires a certain time commitment.
The Matins choir rehearses at 8:00 on Sunday morning, and then sings for the 8:30 service. Matins Choir singers are invited to participate in Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Passion Sunday, Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday services, but attendance on Wednesday night is necessary. (A schedule will be released soon.)
The Festival Choir rehearses on Wednesday evening at 7:40 p.m., then rehearses again on Sunday morning at 10:30, then sings for the 11:00 service. Special services for the season include Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil.
We would love to have singers join just for this season. If you decide to stay, that will be fine too!
See Tony Cruz or any choir member for more information.