Tuesday, February 3, 2009

America's Finest Choir - Coming February 10th

Epiphanies often come when we least expect them. I certainly wasn't expecting one that winter night in February of my sophomore year of high school when I went to hear the St. Olaf Choir perform about 30 miles from my home in Viroqua, Wisconsin . . .but it was exactly an epiphany that I got.
I had been singing in the choir at school since sixth grade and enjoying every minute of it. I had heard several church choirs and, even in the Midwest where EVERYBODY sings, even the good ones simply represented a fun diversion. By this time, in my school choirs, I had sung a little Bach ("Now Let Every Tongue Adore Thee," and ""Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light"), but those experiences did not prepare me for the St. Olaf Choir.
That night, music became more than fun and something that decorated church services. Music became worship and I knew that music would forever have a new meaning for me.
Specifically, I remember hearing Britten's "Ode to St. Cecelia," Grieg's "God Son Has Made Me Free," and Christiansen's setting of "Beautiful Savior."
This amazing choir comes to Jacksonville every three years, so you don't want to miss this opportunity. The concert is on Tuesday, February 10th at 7:30 p.m. in the Jacoby Symphony Hall. Tickets are available through Ticketmaster.
So, please come to the concert. I can't promise it will change your life, but it will enrich you.