J.S. Bach's Cantata No. 140"Wachet Auf, Ruft Uns Die Stimme"
On Sunday evening, December 9, 2007 at 7:00 PM, members of St. Mark's and several singers from the community will present "Wachet Auf" within the context of a service of Lutheran Vespers (evening prayer). The choir of 25 voices will be accompanied by an orchestra.
The cantata is based on the hymn "Wake, Awake, For Night Is Flying."
Our soloists are Lindsey Tuller and R. Hugh Patterson.
If you are already feeling overwhelmed by the "Christmas" season, this will be a chance to slow down and appreciate the message of Advent.
Please invite all of your friends and family to attend this special worship service.
An offering will be taken and a reception will follow the service.